
Showing posts from July, 2015

Hand Made Notebooks

by Tony Thomas I really enjoy making my own notebooks. Not only do I save a lot of money, I can use whatever paper I like. I have used HP Laser Paper (32#), Staples Laser Paper (28#), Rhodia grid paper, Canson Drawing paper and others. For covers, I either use card stock from my office supply store or fancy paper from the scrapbook section of my local craft store. I use my ancient Boston paper cutter and my limited sewing skills to put them together. My notebooks are only 24 pages making them easier to trim. I highly recommend making notebooks if you are a fountain pen user and love fountain pen friendly paper.

iScholar Notebooks

by Tony Thomas It is "back to school" time again!  That time of year where we scour all of the bins for fountain pen friendly pads and paper. I have been using composition books, notebooks and notebook paper from a company called iScholar (Englewood, NY) for a while with great results.  You can find them in many discount stores all over the U. S. The paper is that I use is made in Indonesia and plays nice with fountain pens.  The paper isn't Rhodia smooth, but I haven't had any feathering or bleed through issues with a wide variety of pens and inks.   I found the 70 sheet notebooks locally for 39 cents and the composition books for two for a buck.  Highly recommended!