Fake Hero Doctor 616s

by Tony Thomas I like a great pen deal as much as the next person (after all, this is the Frugal Fountain Pen). However, beware the fake Hero 616s on auction and sale sites!! I bought one for $2.99 and it is clearly a fake. I took comparison pics so you can see the difference between the real deal and the fake. I requested a refund from the popular auction site and included these pics. Caveat emptor!!! And it you happen to get a fake, report it and request a refund. Update: I rinsed it out and attempted to fill the pen. It wouldn't even fill. The breather tube was disconnected from the feed and I could not reconnect it. The pen did write pretty well but you can only use it as a dip pen. I tried to open it up after soaking it in hot water but it wouldn't budge. Not worth $2.99 or even $1.00 IMHO. Fake is on the right Fake is on the right Fake is on top Fake is in the forged package This is the ad for the fake. Oh, t...